Now, more than ever, it’s critical that your solution is rooted in solving the problem, want or need of your users.

Assess your mobile, wearable, web or desktop solution

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Solvers Improve is a comprehensive validation programme that combines expert designer and end-user assessments. It helps you identify customer experience issues and areas of improvement that will ensure the success of your app or website.


Solvers recognise the importance of qualifying the value of the user experience to support design and business decisions. That is why we created Solvers Improve.

Solvers Improve helps validate and measure the effectiveness of digital products and experiences by analysing a much greater set of metrics that define the success of an experience. Solvers Improve can be run at any stage of a product’s lifecycle — Concept, Design, Beta, and Live.

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What clients say?

I feel that this tool would really save us time in aligning the design and flow of these signages. The interface is also easy to comprehend.

Airbnb Front of House, Singapore

Without their pursuit to uncover the real wants and needs of our customers, the successful solution we have today wouldn’t exist.

David Attard / Loblaws
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Get the
full story

We believe that the usability of an experience, as important as it is, doesn’t provide the full story. Does the product solve a user’s problem? Do they understand why they need it? Do they find the experience enjoyable? Are they likely to return to it? Would they promote it to their network?

Solvers Improve considers and assesses all of these points and more from a design expert and target user perspective.
User Assessments
Expert Assessments

01 — Desirability

How much a user desires to use the proposition once they understand its value.

02 — Credibility

The degree of confidence a user has using the experience.

03 — Findability

The ease with which the user found what they were looking for.

04 — Comprehension

The level understanding and confidence a user in accomplishing tasks the first time.

05 — Ease of use

The overall ranking of the usability of the experiences after a complete end to end test.

06 — Satisfaction

The degree to which the experience met the users expectations.

07 — Attractiveness

A user’s feedback on the aesthetics (look and feel) of the experience.

08 — Promotion

How willing a user is to promote experience to a family member or friend. 

9 — Expert System
Usability Assessment

Expert evaluation of the usability of experience after a complete end to end test.

10 — Expert Design
System Assessment

Expert evaluation of the visual language of an experience and its adherence to industry accessibility standards.


The S.core is a unique Solvers algorithm that allows us to measure an overarching solution success and compare it against your competition. The S.core is based on the independent evaluation of all data points we gather from the user and expert assessments. Once we bring everything together into a total score of 1–100, it’s easy to understand where an experience stands on the scale of excellence. With Solvers standards being among the highest on the market, we don’t consider anything below the score of 80 to be acceptable for customers. We also run experiences designed in our studio through S.core to keep us in check!

you get

At the end of the programme, you get a fifty-page Improve Report, which highlights value proposition and usability gaps and issues, and actionable suggestions on what’s required to get your concept to problem-solution fit or live solution to product-market fit. The Improve Report is a practical handbook that consists of the following chapters:


The methodology of the program.


Customer profiles and behavioural analysis.


Experience and value proposition assessment.


In-depth customer feedback.


Actionable expert recommendations.


Visual guidance to support improvement recommendations.

Sample pages of the
Solvers Improve Report

The S.core
Overview of end goal
Behavioural Insights
Feedback and Recommendation
Design Concept
Design Concept
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